15% OFF $200+ with code 'FRESH15'日本优质甜瓜,又名“静冈皇冠甜瓜”,是一种以精致的口感、香气和无可挑剔的外观而闻名的奢华水果。这些甜瓜仅产于日本静冈县,在受控条件下精心种植,以确保无与伦比的品质。 日本优质皇冠甜瓜以其独特的圆形和鲜艳的金黄色为特色,体现了日本农民对细节的精心照料和关注。每棵甜瓜树都单独种植在自己的土壤中,并遵守“一树一果”政策。在整个生长周期中,甜瓜都会得到精心照料,获得个性化的护理,以优化其风味和口感。 皇冠甜瓜的果肉多汁、细嫩、多汁,带有微妙的甜味,与淡淡的花香完美平衡。其独特的风味源于静冈地区全年温暖的气候和日本最长的日照时间。 日本优质皇冠甜瓜的真正与众不同之处在于其完美无瑕的外观。每个甜瓜都经过精心检查,并在成熟度最高时手工挑选,确保大小、形状和颜色的一致性。它们通常采用华丽的包装,使其成为特殊场合的抢手礼物或挑剔的味蕾的奢华享受。 无论是单独品尝还是作为精致水果拼盘的一部分,日本顶级皇冠甜瓜都能为您带来无与伦比的品质和精致美食体验。其稀有性和高级地位使其成为国内外备受追捧的美味佳肴。- From $120.95 / 个
$120.95- From $120.95 / 个
- Unit price
- per
Frozen Fresh Cream Bread - 4.58 oz
15% OFF $200+ with code 'FRESH15'Indulge in the trendiest treat from Korea – Frozen Cream Bread. This hot item on social media is the latest trendy dessert, known for its soft and fluffy fresh cream filling that’s not overly sugary. The rich, creamy center melts in your mouth, offering...- $3.99 / pc
$3.99- $3.99 / pc
- Unit price
- per
Frozen Fresh Chocolate Cream Bread - 4.58 oz
15% OFF $200+ with code 'FRESH15'Indulge in the trendiest treat from Korea – Frozen Chocolate Cream Bread. This hot item on social media is the latest trendy dessert, featuring a soft and fluffy chocolate cream filling that’s not overly sugary. The rich, creamy center melts in your mouth, offering...- $3.99 / pc
$3.99- $3.99 / pc
- Unit price
- per
Smartfruit Blooming Aloha Pineapple Puree Beverage 48 fl. oz.
15% OFF $200+ with code 'FRESH15'Smartfruit is an all natural 100% real fruit mix. Blend Smartfruit with ice to make a smoothie, mix it with water to make juice, top it on treats, shake it to make a cocktail, stir it, pour it, love it! So what really sets...- $18.87 / bt
$26.95- $18.87 / bt
- Unit price
- per
Smartfruit Blooming Berry Puree Beverage 48 fl. oz.
15% OFF $200+ with code 'FRESH15'Smartfruit is an all natural 100% real fruit mix. Blend Smartfruit with ice to make a smoothie, mix it with water to make juice, top it on treats, shake it to make a cocktail, stir it, pour it, love it! So what really sets...- $18.86 / bt
$26.95- $18.86 / bt
- Unit price
- per
Japanese Tochiotome strawberry - 280g
15% OFF $200+ with code 'FRESH15'The Tochiotomie strawberry is a premium variety grown in the Ibaraki Prefecture of Japan, known for its perfect balance of sweetness and mild acidity. These strawberries are larger, plump, and have a smooth, glossy texture, offering a rich, flavorful taste. Hand-picked at peak ripeness,...- $29.95 / pk
$29.95- $29.95 / pk
- Unit price
- per
Japanese Awatuki White Strawberry - 270g
15% OFF $200+ with code 'FRESH15'The Japanese Awatuki White Strawberry (280g) is a premium, rare variety of strawberry known for its unique white to pale pink color and exceptional sweetness. Grown in the ideal climate of Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan, these strawberries are carefully cultivated to achieve a delicate,...- $36.95 / pk
$36.95- $36.95 / pk
- Unit price
- per